So lemme put it this way: I smashed through my entire “Steam Sale” budget by Day Five. Obviously this hasn’t stopped me from buying anything further, but let’s just say that I’ve spent a rather lot of money so far.

Of all the stuff I’ve gotten so far, here are some of the ones I’ve been enjoying the most:
The Legend of Grimrock: Fun dungeon crawling oldschool RPG that eschews silly things like maps in favor of you bumbling around lost and attacking giant snails. All of the charm of old dungeon-crawls from back in the day.
Train Simulator 2012: No, I’m not kidding. This game is great. Especially if you’re a sim game grognard who gets excited by the thought of playing a travel game in real-time, so if it takes an hour to go from Point A to Point B in real life, you’d better believe it will take you an hour to do so in game. With “Simple Controls” activated, this game is in the vein of classics such as Desert Bus, except you can pause and do things like start and stop. This is more endearing than it sounds and this game easily devoured three hours of my time right after buying it.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: A game which I haven’t touched since it launched almost a decade ago and I played it on the Xbox. I’d really forgotten how much fun this game is and what was originally going to be an “I’ll dink around for an hour and feel some nostalgia feels” game has turned into several hours of a legitimate playthrough. Let’s just hope Carth stops wanting to talk about his feelings at some point. (He won’t.)
Orcs Must Die!: I’ve actually yet to play this one (the curse of buying so many games at one time), but my dear associate Mister Adequate swears up and down that this game is amazing and fun. Considering his raucous laughter over Skype whenever he plays it, I’ll take his word for it.
What sorts of gems have you picked up with the sale?