So, I recently won NaNoWriMo by writing a 50,000 word novel in a month. Glorious, no?
You may be wondering what this has to do with video games. Well, for starters, games played a major role in my novel (everything I write is something I’m passionate about. In 2009 it was steampunk, in 2010 it was creativity, and in 2011 it was games.) But, much more importantly, my finishing up NaNo coincided nicely with three days off from work. Do you know what I am going to do for the next three days?

I am going to play nonstop video games. Yes. Yes. It’s going to be glorious. I’ve already warmed up with some Civ this morning and now that I’ve sorted out some chores I’m going to launch into some delicious Space Empires IV and whatnot. I’ve got quite a backlog built up largely for similar reasons that Mister Adequate went into earlier, and of course there are classics to be played!
Classic strategy games, of course.