We might not see some of you again until after the holidays, so if that’s the case, do have a Merry Christmas or a Happy-Whatever-You-Celebrate!
For some people this weekend will entail good food, good friends, and good times spent with family, but for others this weekend means something much more important: video games, of course! If you fall into that category, what do you plan on playing this weekend?
Myself, well– I’ve still been on a Paradox kick and I’m playing all sorts of EU3 and the Kaiserreich mod for Darkest Hour, but unfortunately my computer is giving me fits and making it difficult to continue with this course of action, so I’m thinking I’ll settle down with some console games. I’ve got a lot of Skyrim to play, and I’ve also fallen woefully behind on my quest to play all the Final Fantasies, so I’ve really got to catch back up with that. Especially because I’ve already got a new quest planned, and that is to play every single game I have on Steam. Seeing as I have about 160 of them and I keep adding more (Curse you Gaben and your sales!), that’s going to be even more exciting than playing the dozen or so FF games that I’ve got.

How about you guys?