My computer is a hulking six-year-old leviathan that is turning into more and more of an eldritch horror as the days go on. Recently it decided that it was no longer going to run my beloved Crusader Kings 2 without throwing a major fit. I’ve been going through several phases of emotions and actions since then, like a twisted grief cycle:
- Denial
- Trying the game four times in a row (each one resulting in a major crash)
- Playing Sonic 2 while waiting for my computer to run fsck and dskchk
- Reattempting Crusader Kings 2
- Playing Sonic while I reinstall EVERYTHING because CK2 crashed again
- Retrying CK2
- Playing Victoria 2 when CK2 crashes again
- Feeling dissatisfied with Vicky because it’s not
The Sims MedievalCK2, and giving it another shot - Playing more Sonic while waiting for my computer to check itself again because it crashed again
And so forth. So… basically I never got past the denial stage.

Really, I think I just need a new computer. You know you’re having problems when a.) you can’t run a simple map-painting simulator game because it eats up all of your RAM, and b.) you can’t add more RAM because your computer throws a snitfit. Unfortunately getting a new computer is much easier said than done, especially when you’re busy saving for other things, so I’m trying to talk myself into playing other games while I wait.
…stay tuned for “Things Pike Does While Trying to Talk Herself Into Playing Games that Aren’t CK2.”