The other day Mister Adequate and I were on Sporcle doing quizzes together, which is a fun little pastime that we do on occasion. We had discovered the mother lode of strategy game related quizzes and were having a blast doing things like trying to name all the Civilization IV techs in 14 minutes and whatnot, and then we discovered one particular quiz that was called “Name Every Sim Game” or something.
So we took the quiz. We knew full well that we weren’t going to remember every single Sim game, but we wanted to see how well we would fare anyways, because we both have a huge soft spot for the Sim series. We did pretty well; we probably got about 75% or so, and then at the very end we eagerly went through to see which ones we had missed. It was standard stuff that we should’ve gotten; SimRefinery, Streets of SimCity, Sid Meier’s SimGolf…
Wait, what?
Sid Meier’s SimGolf.
Sid Meier’s SimGolf.
It’s actually a thing. That neither of us knew existed. Quickly we scoped out the Wikipedia article:
Sid Meier’s Sim Golf is a computer game created by Sid Meier, Firaxis, and Maxis in 2002.
Okay, so, let’s get this straight. Firaxis and Maxis got together. And made a game.
Firaxis and Maxis made a game together.
But instead of taking all the strategic turn-based depth of Civilization and combining it with the sandboxy micromanagement of SimCity to make the ultimate civilization simulator… they made a golf game.

And then we were confused for the rest of the day.
The end.