I never thought that a Paradox game, of all things, would touch my heart so much, but, well, it did.
See, in Crusader Kings 2, you play as a dynasty. If your character dies, you become the next character in your line, and so on and so forth. In my current game as the Holy Roman Empire, I started out as the Kaiser, and then became my firstborn son when the Kaiser died. At that point everything went down the tubes over the matter of a few in-game years as my jealous younger brother declared war on me, took most of the empire from me, defeated me soundly, and finally instilled me as a minor Duke of a couple of provinces. Then I died (rather mysteriously, I might add) and suddenly I found myself playing as my next heir– a four-year-old boy.
I was still sort of reeling from this whole development when a lone character approached me– my uncle, then in his late teens. His name was Prince Heinrich the V. He asked for a title and some land, so I gave him some so I wouldn’t have to micromanage all of mine. And at this point he became the one character in the game who was kind to me. He tutored me. He was on my court as my spymaster. I could always count on him for a favor. I imagined that my little boy character looked up to him as a sort of hero figure to latch on to, and even out-of-character I appreciated that this guy was one of the sons of the original Kaiser that I’d started out with and because of that I was attached to him.
Time went on and the boy grew up. Once he hit about 15 years old, I got this event:
Now one thing about Crusader Kings 2 for those of you who don’t play it: Every character gets several “traits”, both physical and personality-wise, and these effect different stats on your character. A gay character gets a hit to their fertility rate and it affects diplomacy a little, but mostly it’s just there for flavor.
And so I clicked the okay button, figuring it was just a random event of sorts, and then, a few in-game days later, I got another event:
So it wasn’t just random. My character had developed feelings for the one person in the game who was kind to him.

Rather nervously I clicked the button. I wasn’t sure what would happen next in the game or if it would have an effect. As it turned out– it didn’t really. There were no more events about this particular storyline, although– tellingly– Prince Heinrich V remained kind to me.
My character grew up, married a woman (you can only marry the opposite gender in game), and had a couple of kids, some of whom I put into Prince Heinrich’s tutelage. At some point around here I was mysteriously killed and I found myself playing one of my daughters, who grew into an upstanding Duchess in part due to the fact that Prince Heinrich tutored me and whacked all of the negative traits out of me. In the little story in my mind, I could imagine him raising me like his own child as a favor to my dad.
Most of this stuff is long-past in my game, but that little storyline, spawned by a couple of events, has stuck with me. I never thought I’d get this many “feels” out of a Paradox grand strategy game, but I’m glad I was proven wrong.