Over the course of the last couple of days I have been replaying Pokemon Gold. It has probably been a good 12 years or so since I last played this game – I never even got around to playing the HeartGold/SoulSilver remakes. While I was initially wary of going back to an older Pokemon game after being spoiled by the ridiculously good Pokemon X/Y, I’ve found that, much to my delight, the game is actually really pulling me in. I do often feel like I’m m-o-v-i-n-g v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y, but since I’m emulating I just press the turbo button when I want to get from place to place quicker. Hey, it’s a valid replacement for the roller blades, right?

Other than that I’m having a blast. What a great game. What a great Pokemon generation.
Dear readers, when is the last time YOU played through an older game that you hadn’t touched in forever? And how did that go for you?
I don’t suppose replaying Final Fantasy V for the umpteenth time for last year’s Four Job Fiesta counts, huh? :P
I’m gonna have to get me a 3Ds…I keep hearing how good X/Y is. I DID go back and get all 150 original Pokemon a few years ago…built teams that were able to beat the Elite 4 and beat the game with every single Pokemon. Took FOREVER, but worth it XD