Right now you can get a little game called Waking Mars for $1.99 over at GOG (or $2.00 over at Steam). This is a steal. I’ve talked about this game before and I recommend reading that article for a good overview.
Basically it’s sort of a puzzle game and sort of a platformer and sort of Metroidvania but mostly it’s about exploration and being relaxed.

TLDR: GET IT ON GOG or GET IT ON STEAM or GET IT ON THE ITUNES STORE. Not even kidding you guys: this is a good one.
OMG I bought Waking Mars on Ubuntu store and Android, just to support the developers, because the game is that good. It distills that Star Trek atmosphere and mindeset about exploration into a potential near-future scenario, about discovering dormant life in Martian caves. Add in a touch of comic relif, great atmosphere, and an amazing way of building up an ecosystem so it sel-replicates and solves the puzzle, it’s a great game to get lost in.
I tried Spider, Secret of Bryce Manor (the other game this studio has produced), it was very atmospheric but it was also very sad.
One thing that is of particular interest about Spider is that it can tell a compelling story using no words at all, and in a way that only a video game could.