Happy weekend all! Pike here.
I haven’t been posting much on this blog lately, and I do apologize for that. The truth is that I’ve been having an obscene about of fun with the lastest WoW expac so I’m playing a lot of that.
Today, however, I thought I would give something new a shot and I booted up Torchlight, which I have somehow never played before. And I promptly wound up playing it for the next few hours, because it was just that addictive. For the few of you who haven’t played it, it’s an action-RPG along the veins of Diablo, and it is just wonderful. You can pick from three classes and I promptly picked alchemist because the guy is wearing goggles, and I think I made the right choice. I love hurling poison bolts at my enemies from afar, watching them all expire, and then going around and collecting all sorts of great loot. It’s simple, straightforward, and a whole lot of fun.
Also, one of the questgivers is a steampunky robot. I approve.
The sequel recently came out and I look forward to playing that as well, but for now I’m having a blast with the original! Anyone who hasn’t looked into this series should really do so. It is well worth the price!
The official Torchlight website is here: http://www.torchlightgame.com/
And now, here is a cat picture, because it’s always time for cat pictures:

Torchlight is great and Torchlight 2 is even better! I wrote up a terribly rambly post about it :) http://mocharaid.com/2012/09/28/first-impressions-torchlight-2/
Give a read if you’re so inclined <3
What is great in Torchlight I is posibility to build your character in many ways.
I remeber playing Alchemist(dunno if right name) as a melee dps.
In T II it is possible too.
Take Engi for example:
Shield Tank or Range DPS Cannonier or Two Handers Blitzer and all of them can have some nice summons.
I really advice you to play at Elite or at last at veteran if you try sequel.
Have fun.