It is true, it’s far too hot today. Too hot to move, too hot to write, too hot even to play any vidya that require braining to play. So I’m just going to set up something like Victoria 2 and mess around with the console so everything goes wacky!

Are there any games you enjoy when for whatever reason you don’t feel up to concentrating on playing? Or are you like me, and you prefer to set things up and just watch them run? Tell us in the comments about how you deal with heat so intense it feels like your skin is flaying itself to try and escape!
Also some games do an atmosphere of cold very well but I can’t think of any that really do a hot one so well.
Now that’s what I call Lebensraum!
These days I find there are plenty of video games with substantial “busy work” portions [WoW especially comes to mind] that are enough to keep one’s mind occupied during most types of diminished mental state, and provide advantages/prestige for when you do want to play seriously. Just put yourself on the path and let the game tell you what to do next.
But if you’re just plain uncomfortable, really your only option is trading in your computer for a delicious air conditioner. =D