Pike here! Mister Adequate has made it all the way over here to the colonies and we’re busy gathering up some games to play. We went to GameStop the other day and picked up several classics for cheap, including TimeSplitters and Shadow of the Colossus, and then we went to another GameStop and… were promptly turned away because apparently we don’t look like we’re over seventeen and Mister Adequate didn’t have his passport with him.

I mean, maybe it’s good that we look young, but anyways. We’ll go back today with proper ID and scoop those games up. In the mean time we played some Metal Slug and Crazy Taxi and an arcade. Anyways, we do apologize for the lull in blogging, but we’ve been… well… preoccupied. Ahem.
Preoccupation is A-OK in my book.
So I booted up youtube today when I should have been running out the door (anyone else have that problem?) and watched the first fifteen seconds of this video. Clicked it because of the name and the author, filed it away to watch after work because the word Paradox was mentioned. However, I don’t think I’ve seen it mentioned on this blog yet… Am I wrong?
Oh, hey, those close tags are kinda important. If only I had an edit button…
I totally understand how you feel about looking younger than you really are. I get this all the time and when I show ID they have to call the manager in to make sure that it’s not a fake. Seriously, this happens all the time. And I’m almost 30.