A couple of days ago, my co-blogger Pike found herself with a modest sum of extra money. She duly went to her local videogaming emporium in order to acquire a new one to play. And what, you ask, did she come away with?
Sonic Classic Collection for the Nintendo DS. If I recall what she told me correctly, this is the fourth copy of the first few Sonic games she now possesses. It’s quite silly! Yet it serves a purpose, of course; none of her other editions are portable, so they cannot be easily played in bed, or at all in other rooms or while on a lunch break at work, and so forth.
I, meanwhile, have three copies of UFO: Enemy Unknown. The thing with older games like this is that there you are, wanting to play it but not wanting to mess with all the stuff you need to do to get it running on a modern OS, when suddenly it gets released on Steam, or on GoG, or what have you, and it’s very easy to just pay a few bucks to get a new working copy. Likewise I have three copies of Deus Ex, and I’m sure there are a couple of others!

Do you folks out there have similar experiences? Owning several copies of the same game? Perhaps for different platforms, perhaps updated rereleases, perhaps you lost one, bought another, then found the first one? Do tell us in the comments!
I’ve been good so far. All I’ve got are Steam/Mac App Store copies of Neverwinter Nights 2(Platinum and plain, respectively) , and Steam/XBox Live copies of Cthulhu Saves The World.
Of course, I also have to fight the urge to hoard moar Steam games every time there’s a sale…
There are quite a lot of games that I own multiple copies of. Mostly it’s older games that were later included in collections and/or re-released on Steam. I believe my record is 5 copies of Monkey Island: PC floppy, PC CD, Lucasarts Treasury version, Steam version, XBLA version.
Oh, re-releases are ALWAYS a thing for me.
– Thanks to Sega’s constant re-releases, I own two copies of Phantasy Star I-III.
– I own two different versions of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
– I own the first Phoenix Wright game for my DS, my Wii, and my iPhone.
– I’ve got Scribblenauts both for the DS and the iPad, though I’m not sure it qualifies as a re-release… the iPad version feels completely different, and certainly has different content (it’s 100% puzzle levels, for starters).
– Have you met my overflowing Persona fanboyism? I own Persona 1 in both PS1 and PSP formats, and Persona 3 in original, FES, and twice in Portable format (1x English, 1x Japanese). I’ll be upping that number soon enough, with a PSP release of Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (already own the PS1 version) and the hopefully maybe someday localization of Persona 4: The Golden for PS Vita.
Starcraft, Diablo II, Sim City 2000, and Civilization 4 all spring to mind.
Baldur’s Gate, Diablo, Fallout, all FF’s before 9, most Zelda games etc.