I really can’t get over how great Sonic the Hedgehog is. As some of you may know, I was mostly a Nintendo kid growing up, but we had a next-door neighbor with a Genesis and I’d go over there and play his games for hours. Sonic 2 is a game I can still go back to, and which has not only aged gracefully but seems to get better each time I play it. I can’t decide what, exactly, makes it so great, but it might be that perfect balance between speed and careful exploration that it somehow managed to strike.

Now back in the day Sonic used to be considered “cool”, but these days the poor hedgehog has rather lost his luster. Sonic is now the realm of horrifying fanart and failed attempts at comebacks. I know that some of his new games are pretty good, but it still feels like he hasn’t yet made a truly triumphant return. I miss when Sonic was cool and when Sonic 2 was basically the pinnacle of human achievement.
Who else feels similarly?
I definitely agree with you Pike. The Sonic series just hasn’t been the same since the Genesis. The first Sonic Adventure game for the Dreamcast was okay, but I missed just racing through the stages at break-neck speeds, snagging rings, hitting crazy loop de loops and corkscrews, and cursing up a storm when I hit a robot that popped up out of nowhere, depleting my entire cache of 100+ rings.
Nobody play Sonic anymore.
I totally hear you Pike. I grew up with a Genesis and Sonic 2, 3, and Sonic and Knuckles were the only games I played other than Ecco the Dolphin.
This post actually reminds me of a recent conversation I had with my 9 year old cousin, who had unlocked Sonic The Hedgehog (the original) in Sonic Generations on the Wii.
Him: Look! The first Sonic game! Let’s play. *starts game up. Dies repeatedly in first scene in zone 1*
Me: Here, let me help you!
Him: Girls don’t play Sonic!
Me: Dude, I grew up on this game, let me play.
Him: *grumbles and hands me control*
Me: *takes controller and nukes through first 3 levels*
Him: WOW! You do know how to play! What console was this game on anyway?
Me: Sega Genesis.
Him: Nono, what CONSOLE. You know – Nintendo, Playstation or XBox
Me: Dude, the Sega Genesis WAS the console. You can’t get them any more.
Him: *looks confused* Are you sure?
Me: Yes.
XD Kids these days.
*Shakes his cane ineffectually at the air and grumbles*
Grandpa needs his brandy now.
Play tribes:ascend =D
It’s got all the sonic ‘elements’ but packaged in a fast-paced FPS.