Taking after my co-blogger Pike, I thought I would take a look back on my year in gaming!
I started the year in the middle of a huge Civilization IV kick, and it was by far the most played game of that month I am sure. I sampled a multitude of mods for it, such as Caveman 2 Cosmos and Fall From Heaven 2.
Feb was still plenty of Civ IV, but there was a great deal of Dwarf Fortress mixed in there as well. At the end of the month I also fired up my good old WoW account, a little before Pike did likewise.
There was plenty of WoW this month, at least for a couple of weeks. Once that was done I believe I started a huge SimCity 4 kick that lasted for a couple of months.
In April the new fan version of Hearts of Iron 2, known as Darkest Hour was released. I pretty much immediately fell even more in love with HoI thanks to this and played little else.

June and July
I didn’t spend terribly much time on any particular game during the height of summer, I was more concerned with not melting! A wide variety of things were dabbled with here. I think there was some Minecraft.
In August I sat down to replay an old favorite on the PS1, Breath of Fire III. It really is a wonderful, charming game with all kinds of hidden depths, and it was time well spent.
September was when I played the majority of Deus Ex: Human Revolution, which surprised me as much as anybody else by not only being good, but by being a worth successor to the original DX!
In October I started on a long-lasting space 4X kick, which includes Galactic Civilizations 2, Master of Orion 2, Space Empires IV, and Star Ruler.
November was when both Skyrim and Saints Row: The Third landed, and I spent a huge amount of time with both!
I’ve spent most of this month with the Kaiserriech mod for Darkest Hour, and I’ve just now started up Dwarf Fortress again.