So Mister Adequate– being not just my co-blogger here at The Android’s Closet, but also my better half– bought me a couple of gifts recently. The idea was that one was my Christmas present and one was my birthday present (my birthday is in a few days.) He also graciously let me open them early!
Well. One of the presents was an Xbox 360 and the other was Skyrim.
Yeah. Best Birthday/Christmas gift EVER.
Anyways! Ever since then I’ve been dumping hours into Skyrim like there’s no tomorrow and it has really exceeded all of my expectations. It’s been a long time since I really got into a new video game in this way. Heck, it’s been a long time since I really got into a console game in this way. I keep finding myself wanting to return to this magical world and experience more of it. Even my beloved strategy games keep getting pushed aside so I can wander around Whiterun.

Anyways, if you’re still sitting on the fence regarding whether or not to get this game for whatever reason, I urge you to look into it. I’ve just scratched the surface and I think this really is deserving of the title of Game of the Year. There’s just so much to do and the game accommodates all sorts of different playstyles, and it’s all beautifully put together.
Besides, I’m a giant fluffy tabby cat with a sword. I cannot stress enough how awesome this is.
Giant fluffly cat with sword? EH?
This. Is. Skyrim!
Glad to see you’ve joined us, Pike.
Fus Ro Derp indeed!!
I’m curious as to how you get on with the X-Box version of Skyrim as opposed to the PC one. My current PC doesn’t have a good enough video card to play Skyrim but we do have an X-Box in the house. However I’m not a console player (I play SNES games on an emulator) and have never really got used to a handful of knobs and joysticks as opposed to a keyboard and mouse. I would like to play the game but might just save for a new video card if it’s easier then learning a whole new interface.
The Xbox version feels very smooth and natural to me, but then again, I grew up with buttons and joysticks, so they are my “native gaming control”, so to speak. There are a few buttons I have to remind myself of sometimes, mostly because they are different from other console games I’ve played, but overall it’s a very solid experience.
Do the guards tell you “I used to be a video game blogger like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee”?
Sorry, someone had to do it. :)
Whoa whoa whoa! Watch the memes!
Ask a Playstation 3 owner if they think this really is deserving of the title of Game of the Year.
I heard about the problems in the PS3 version! It’s really too bad that this stuff wasn’t fixed at launch :(
Isn’t the PS3’s one game per year by definition their GOTY? ;D
Yay Skyrim! I’m not sure I fit in here, but I’ll try my best. The reason I found this page was by searching google images for “skyrim whiterun guard” and found the picture of Derpy and the “Dark Brotherhoof” letter. Once again, yay Skyrim! Those who haven’t played yet, it’s an experience rivaled by no other open-world-game. In other words, worth the $60.