…okay, okay, you can get it whenever you want, but you have seven more days to get it for cheap as part of the Humble Bundle.
What is Frozen Synapse, you may be asking?
Well, let me put it this way:
Do you like tactical turn-based strategy games?
Do you like interesting game premises involving the player being an AI?
Do you like really good music?
If you said yes to the above questions then you should really be looking into getting this game. This is a solid TBS that gives you a considerable amount of control over your troops and provides a rather interesting twist of allowing you to run simulations of your moves before you actually move. You ARE an AI, after all. The actual outcome is always different from even your best looking simulations, though. In other words, the white-knuckle anticipation between turns might just be the death of you.

There is also a multiplayer mode which I’m assuming is intense as all heck but I’ve yet to try it. Mister Adequate and I have plans to butt heads in game at some point, though. As of now we’re both just working our way through the single player campaign between playing a million other things. And yes, Mister Adequate has given this game his Hardcore Strategy/Tactical Game Seal of Approval, which is basically our equivalent of the Good Housekeeping award, except even more elusive.
Anyways, if you think any of this sounds interesting and/or you’re still listening to the music (and you really should be), then go toss Humble Bundle a few bucks and enjoy. There are other games that come in the bundle, of course, and they seem to be adding more every few days, but honestly Frozen Synapse and its soundtrack alone is worth the (user-set) price of the package. Check it out!
Yes, I endorse this game as an extremely solid one that does all the right things and also some things I didn’t know this genre could actually do!
But…But if a human player is actually an AI, doesn’t that mean it ceases to be AI? *head asplodes*
(a different Fig… who’d have predicted there’d be so many of us?)
The game blows me away. I’ll plot out turns I think are brilliant, and then one enemy dude pulls a total mindblowing trick on me and my squad gets wasted, but then there are moments of awesome. A shotgun guy taking out three snipers in a single turn. Being stuck with only a grenade launcher against two MGs and a sniper, yet still pulling off a win by clever timing of grenades and lucky dancing. Many thanks for the recommendation.