So last week, Mister Adequate resubbed to World of Warcraft, and then promptly tossed me a Scroll of Resurrection (at my request, I won’t deny it). This was despite a lot of warnings from people that I’d get pulled back into it and that it would eat up all my time. Still, I went ahead and activated my free week and logged in.
The first thing I noticed was that my poor neglected main was still buffed with a buff from the Lunar Festival which just goes to show you how long it’s been since I logged in.
The second thing I noticed was that I’d apparently been kicked from my guild for inactivity, which didn’t bother me too much because last I checked most of the cool people had either moved to a new guild or quit playing.
Upon flying to the training dummies I noticed a third thing, which was that I somehow still remembered all of my keybinds. That tickled me a little bit.
Anyways, then I got bored and logged out for the rest of the day.
The next morning I was feeling nostalgic for Burning Crusade so I picked a random alt that was in Outlands and did some quests. I did that for about 45 minutes and I felt proud that I still sort of knew how to play a hunter. And you know, it was fun for a little bit. But then I got bored again and logged out and spent the rest of the day playing Civ.

The third day I logged into a completely different alt, one who was in the midst of the re-done Cataclysm quests in Ashenvale (this particular alt still had the Christmas gnome buff from December). Again, I messed around for about an hour and then it was off to other things, both games and otherwise.
So, you may be wondering where I’m going with this. Believe me, I don’t intend this to be some sort of WoW or MMO bash. As far as I’m concerned WoW is still the best MMO on the market today, and the majority of my memories of the game are fond ones. But I think I attempted to come back to it too soon. My interest in it simply has not been rekindled in my absence. You have awakened me too soon, Scroll of Resurrection!

I think I’ll resub for a month, just to get Mister Adequate his free month for the Scroll of Resurrection, but I can’t envision myself doing anything beyond messing around with alts for a few hours each week. You never know, of course, but more and more I’m thinking I should let the game lie for a bit longer.
There’s more to WoW than endgame, of course, and my particular playstyle at the moment– derping around on alts for a few hours a week– is certainly a valid one, but is it worth the $15/month when you’re as broke as I am? I’ve yet to decide. Currently I’m leaning toward “no”. But we’ll see, I suppose. We’ll see.
I resubbed after getting excited by the 4.3 news, then promptly got bored a day or two later (though I did get a Worgen Warrior to level 30!). I yearn for SWTOR and Guild Wars 2.
I honestly can’t think of any upcoming MMOs that I’m excited for…
The only other one I’m geeked for is The Secret World. I <3 conspiracy theories.
Just playing alts now, myself. Got a mage to 85 on Wednesday or Thursday last week and a druid to 85 last night. Grand total of level-capped characters: 10.
Yes, I do have too much time on my hands, why do you ask?
I’ve got the one 85, my alliance hunter. My horde hunter is 84 and at some point I might cough up the extra level.
My resto druid is 80 and I think she will stay there. I just miss perma-tree and am not a big fan of the resto changes overall, and I’m much too lazy to learn a new spec and re-gear.
Then I’ve got about a dozen or so alts sprinkled anywhere between levels 10 and 70. They’re pretty spread out, which is neat because I’ve pretty much got someone at any level range at any given time if someone on one of those servers wants to run something.
Pike, has anyone invited you to theWarcraft Hunters Union event guild on Icecrown? WHU is all-dwarf, all-hunter. We currently have a self-imposed cap of 75. It’s a lot of fun, and very supportive!
I think I’ve got too many alts to juggle as is, and at this point I don’t even know if I want to resub once the free week runs out. But thank you for the offer!
…Pony Ragnaros?
…I am more ok with this than I thought I’d be.
Isn’t it great? :D
I think what I miss most about WoW is how good it can be to play in windowed mode while, say, watching a movie or tv show. You can play with just the keyboard and it doesn’t always require your attention (raiding/pvp requires standard game attention, questing/grinding doesn’t).
My favorite part of Cataclysm was Archaeology and I leveled my old Main from 80-85 with nothing but that while watching Rumple or such. The grind/watch combo appealed to my vaguely Asperger-y tendencies. However, the max-level content never grabbed me (I think I had 4 85s, and an 80 of every other class), and I eventually just unsubbed. It’d definitely be too soon for me to come back.
I watched at least one full season of House while grinding for the “Diplomat” title on one of my characters… so yes, I know how that goes all too well!
I resubed a few days ago, and a day later regretted it. The only reason I play tbh is that I need something to “do” while listening to podcasts, and I have a few I love to listen to. That’s why I’m not going to get SW:TOR, cos you can’t listen to a podcast AND full dialogue at the same time. Well, at least I can lvl up my resto shamy for a while…
I like the idea of being able to play WoW a few hours a week when you want to do something mindless and unwind. I’m still undecided on if that’s worth $15/month, though…