Okay kids, it’s that time again, when I categorically fail to come up with a post topic and so resort to something pretty mundane! What are YOU going to be playing this weekend?
Dead Island

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Suikoden V

Tomorrow is the premiere of Season 2 of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. So… yeah, if you thought the blog overdid it on Pony pics before now…

So what about you, dear readers? What entertainments shall be occupying your precious free time this weekend?
Mother 3.
Just Mother 3, all weekend.
If I beat it… maybe Hyperdimension Neptunia, though I fear it would pale in comparison.
I’m going to play an exciting game called “Driving for 14 hours on a long and boring road.” It’s like the new Gran Turismo!
LOL!! Gran Turismo offroad simulator can go for like…hours… on the same race lol
World of Warcraft…so many heroics…I’m trying to gear up to do some raids and my freaking trinket refuses to drop! Grim Batol…forever…
My sub runs out on the 18th…I have a game card in reserve tho! XD
Trying out my first virtual novel Fate/Stay Moon. I’m on day 12 and suddenly the serious plot throws in a threesome, seriously i was so surprised i went and checked the wiki to make sure i wasn’t getting trolled.
Like Bamos said. WoW, heroics – collecting Chaos Orbs. My game card also runs out on the 18th but no renewal because I’m flying to England on the 22nd :))
Oooh, have fun when you’re over here! Heading anywhere in particular?
I’ll be playing World of Warcraft, perhaps doing some guild-run raids. I’m thinking I’ll be playing Mass Effect (first one, for slow as I am, I haven’t gotten through it yet! :3 ) and if not that, looking for a new RPG (not turn-based) to play!
Its addictive.
Also it didnt hurt that community is extra friendly and it have always some good advice for begginers.