According to my mom, who went crazy with genealogy research one year a while back, I’m a direct descendant of both William the Conqueror and Charlemagne. I like to jokingly tell people that this makes me naturally good at strategy games because it means conquering people is in my blood.
If that is actually the case, though, ol’ Willy and Charlie both would be disappointed in me. My usual strategy in something like, say, Civ, is to sit around and tech and then win by space victory. I’m usually not the aggressor unless someone gives me a really good reason to be.
So yesterday I was rather surprised by the sudden urge I felt the urge to play a Civ game specifically to go around and destroy everyone. I did so, and it was glorious. Why build more cities when you can just plunder some for yourself? Why worry about diplomacy when you have a military that could take on three or four other civs at once? Why worry about tech when you’re going to be ahead in tech by the end of the game anyway due to, well, conquering everyone?

Anyways, going against my usual grain was a lot of fun and by the end I even found myself juggling things I didn’t think I’d have to, like culture– when you take a lot of cities from other people, culture becomes a big deal in order to avoid losing your new prizes.
I did inevitably end up winning with a Space Race Victory, despite taking about half of everyone’s cities for my own. I just can’t resist the lure of flying to Alpha Centauri. Mister Adequate has issued me a challenge, though: Next time, I have to turn off all victories except for Conquest. Bring it on.
I still doubt that you can do it!
I am going to prove you wrong later today!
Important question: can this game be played with a broken left wrist (thus, primarily with the mouse)?
If so, I’ll probably buy it after work. If not, you guys need to keep writing about it for six weeks so I am super psyched by the time I get the cast off.
Yes, yes it can!
Yep, it’s turn-based and everything can be done with the mouse except for renaming cities, which isn’t exactly a huge component of the game. xD
I know he’s a bad guy but I really like Discord. He reminds me of Pinkie Pie only…evil.
For some reason, I just cannot play a Civ game and have military conquest be my primary goal. I guess I just lack the aggression necessary to pull it off. I never can seem to balance keeping a strong military with my tech and economy. You can have my technology when you pry it from you cold, lifeless hooves!
Substitute my for the second you in my last sentence. Confound this job, it drives me to make mistakes…
Discord is definitely one of my new favorite characters in the show, if not my new overall favorite! I love him to bits <3
And yeah, I know what you mean! I'm such a techno-nut in these games. But sometimes the urge to be a little more cruel just... strikes!
Do they really have accurate genealogies that persist back a thousand years? I didn’t know anybody was really recording things that far back aside from the nobility. If they did, then gratz on your discovery lol XD