Starcraft 2 is a popular game, to make an understatement. I can go to pretty much any video game blog/forum/message board/whatever and people will be talking about it.
I think a lot of this is due to the huge meta-game that surrounds it. The tournaments, the websites, the streams, the wikis, and of course, all of that terminology.
I… don’t follow any of it. I’ve nothing against it, at all– it’s just not something I do.
It’s sort of weird, though. I’ve been playing Starcraft, oftentimes religiously, for over ten years. And yet, I don’t have a clue what people are talking about 75% the time when I wander into the middle of most SC2 discussions these days.

So I tend to stay out of the discussions, and when I do occasionally play SC or SC2, I play the way I always have played Starcraft, or most RTS games, for that matter. Scout around. Expand. Build up a defense. Build up an offense. Troll the other guy a bit. Attack. Profit! That’s my strategy. It seems to work out okay. I don’t often play online, but when I do, I can hold my own.
So when I see people dissecting every move the Korean pros make and then getting nervous about trying to do it themselves, I shrug and go back to making a boatload of dragoons (or whatever they’re called these days, I know they renamed them), dark templars and observers. You’d be surprised how well that works. Sure, it’s not gonna beat any Koreans, but I’m not trying to.
So yeah. I’m Pike, and I’m a strategy game fan and a Starcraft fan, and I have no IDEA what any of you hardcore SC2 guys are talking about. We’re still friends, right?
I play Starcraft for story. Like a Warcraft III. Both have great story with awesome storytelling.
Just love it. Gameplay is great too but I am not a big fan of the RTS genre.
So I play only single.
My try to play a SC multi ended in total humiliation when my veteran LAN players friends beat a crap from me. So I pass. Considering that in these times I have no NET and live in some hole on the end of the world I didnt have really any chance for train my skills(or so I tell myself).
You words, Pike, they speak for me. (That seems to happen frequently)
Protoss in SC2 for SC1 Protoss:
Replace “Warp Prism” with “Shuttle that turns into a Pylon”
Replace “Warpgate” with “Gateways that can put the units anywhere you have pylon power”
Replace “Immortal” with “Reaver, but not fragile and without splash”
Replace “Stalker” with “Dragoon, but without the worst fucking AI in a video game EVER”
SC 1 Dragoons: “lololol let’s all try to squeeze through this ridiculously narrow space that we can’t fit through when there’s a perfectly good gap about 10 feet north of us.”
At the risk of incurring the wrath of the hosts I have to say that I haven’t played SC2 since the beta ended. It just didn’t strike a chord with me. Mind you I haven’t played the original game for a while either – it isn’t even installed on this computer. And I suspect something similar will happen when Diablo III finally surfaces… Not sure what’s happened to Blizzard lately but it isn’t making a fan out of me.
Haha, don’t worry! SC2 didn’t click with Mister Adequate either. And I honestly haven’t played it as much as I thought I would, originally. Nothing against the game, because I do enjoy it. But after my week-long kick with it back when it first came out, I haven’t put a whole lot of time into it.
I think it’s been a good six months since I’ve last logged onto my SC II account. Hell, I haven’t even finished the story mode, I think I’m at the last mission. I like the game too but there’s just something about it that just can’t hold my attention like the original one could. The several Megs of updates that are undoubtedly waiting for me aren’t doing much to bolster my enthusiasm to sign on again either.
They could have released SC2 like 2 years after Brood War and it would have been cool. It was starcraft with a better story mode, more cut scenes, and better graphics. Which is cool, but…they almost could have done that in an expansion pack. Everybody waited upmteen years to get…more or less the same game. (Not that Blizz could have improved on the classic much anyways, but still.)
I think everybody was kind of expecting something so incredibly badass that it would blow you away, like, oh I dunno, the ability to switch to first person in a skirmish and control individual units instead of microing with the mouse (almost as in MA’s previous post), or having a ton of players log in and actually control combat units while one master player directed them, or quick starfox-esque mini matches whenever two aerial units engaged each other…something that upped the ante. And instead we just got starcraft with some new units and a much more interactive story. Which is cool, don’t get me wrong, the cutscenes and the story are really good, and it must have been a lot of work making sure all the races were more or less balanced. But….I think the bar was set too high because of the incredibly long development time, and this left some people a bit disappointed. And if it had actually come out on a reasonable timeframe (2-3 years after brood war), I think people would have expected what they got, instead of expecting this genre changing blockbuster 10 years in the making, only to get the same game they had been playing before, with facebook this time and a graphic makeover.
There’s my 2 cents.