Lately I’ve been playing a lot of two different games: Minecraft, and Terraria (aka 2-D Minecraft.)
I know, I know, I’ve talked before about how I don’t quite “get” this sort of game, or how I prefer SimCity or whatnot. But after several months of false starts it seems that something has finally clicked, and lately I’ll merrily spend hours listening to music while… digging. Digging.

I’m not sure what’s gotten in to me– I’m usually off playing old strategy games, after all!– but I do have to admit: it’s remarkably easy and quite relaxing to just sit down for any length of time– from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours– and mess around in a game where there is really no point. It feeds some sort of deep-seated need in the human psyche to build and create for no other reason than to build and create.
…or maybe I really am a basement-dwelling obsessive-compulsive geek who finds satisfaction in making things perfectly symmetrical. I mean, that’s an acceptable answer too.
Hee. Dig Dug is gold.
I remember spending what seemed like an awful lot of time getting an emulator to work on my old PC just so I could play this. It would probably have been easier just to go out and find the console but where’s the fun in that? Now I’m trying to remember which computer I put that on so I can go down in the basement and look for it…