Like everybody else, I played Pokemon as a kid. (Well, as a 13 or 14-year-old, because that’s about how old I was when it came out.)
I played Pokemon Red, the first in the series, religiously, and then when the second generation came out I played Pokemon Gold just as religiously. I loved those freaking games, and I imagine that I don’t have to go into much detail here because I’m sure most of you loved them just as much.
Something happened then, though. When the third generation of Pokemon came out, I had just started attending university. And it’s not that I grew out of Pokemon, because I certainly didn’t. And it’s not that that I didn’t have time for video games, because if I recall correctly that was the year I was pretty dang addicted to Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. As in, I took my GBA to school and played it between classes and then doodled moogles on my notes.
Anyways, I think that maybe I just had too much on my plate. Eventually, I did buy Pokemon Emerald, and I messed around with it, but it never quite “clicked”. I’m not sure why. I quit playing after the first badge or something.
And so I didn’t play anymore Pokemon after that– with the exception of FireRed, which doesn’t really count because it’s basically just a graphical update of the original.
That changed last summer, though, when I went road-tripping for a family reunion. I’d be spending hours and hours on the road, and I wouldn’t be driving, so I’d need to do something to make the time pass.
So what did I do? I pulled out Pokemon Emerald, which I hadn’t touched in years. I didn’t even glance at my old save file, I simply started a new one.

What happened next was magical. I merrily spent hours running through tall grass, catching Pokemon, training them, and battling trainers and gym leaders. I stopped keeping track of Pokemon after the second gen, you see, so I had no idea what the new species were, what they evolved into, or what they learned. Every time one of my Pokemon evolved, it was a surprise. Every time I ran into a new gym leader, it was a challenge. I didn’t have access to any sort of help websites or guides while on the road, so it was just me and my Pokemon. I was 26 years old and it honestly felt like I was 14 and playing through the original game for the first time again. It was sheer magic.
All things come to an end, sadly, and soon the road trip was over and I was thrust back into the adult world of working and paying bills. I kept playing Pokemon for a bit even after, but for some reason it wasn’t quite the same. Obligations kept pulling me away. So I never did finish that magical new Pokemon file. My Pokemon are all sitting pretty at level 38 or 39 or whatever I left them at. Waiting.
I look forward to my next road trip.
::grin:: Oh I LOVE pokemon… hell, I think the reason I moved to wow and became a hunter was the love I had for my Charmander/Charizard… remember the way we had to train our pets back in Vanilla? ::laughing:: I used to imagine my hunter keeping her other pets in pokeballs back with the stablemaster ;D
For some reason I never played Pokemon – maybe I was just too old when it came out :) Probably never will now but it’s still good to experience the sheer delight evident in your descriptions of the game. I guess vicarious gaming isn’t so bad after all…
Oh man I know just what you mean! I finally completed my lifelong goal of catching all 150 in the original…farming Safari Zone for Chansey was NOT fun…I had to have 2 separate Game boys, a Red and Blue cartridge, and a transfer cable…but I made it happen.
I’ve stayed away from the newer iterations, but maybe after reading your post I will try them one day. Thanks, Pike!
Been a huge Pokemon nut ever since Red. Played every single game in the main series and a few of the spinoffs (the 3D Pokemon games have special places in my heart), and all of them more than once. Lately I’m feeling the rehash, though. I played through the latest game (Pokemon White), got to the end, explored the entire map, and then…. just didn’t know what to do. I’d already completed the Pokedex in SoulSilver and didn’t feel like doing it all over again. The “minigames” felt dry and flavorless, and trying to get to 100 is a long and arduous task considering most of the wild Pokemon don’t get past 50 or 60. And all the mechanics of the battle system just… get old once you’ve known them your whole life.
I tried to play it a bit the other day. Picked up my DS, entered the game, looked through my Pokemon and just… immediately lost interest. I’ve done much of what this game has to offer; I suppose I’ll just have to wait for the next title in the main series, which I will inevitably try.