I know, it’s hard to believe, right? Seeing as we only ever talk about the same four or five here (eheheh.)
But no, it’s true, there are a couple of games we don’t quite see eye to eye on. The Legend of Zelda series comes to mind. Ocarina of Time is one of my all-time favorites. But Mister Adequate– brace yourselves for this one– is not a fan. He’s played a good number of the Zelda games and does not “get” them. Now I can already hear the cacophony of “WHY” coming from our readerbase, but I will refrain from detail here as to let my comrade speak for himself in a future blog post, if he feels so inclined.
Another place where we frequently diverge is in older games, because I grew up a Nintendo kid and he a Sega kid. We do both see the other’s platform as a worthy rival, but trust me when I say that you do not want to start the two of us on an SNES vs. Sega Genesis “discussion”.

Recently, there is Minecraft. Okay, actually, we both have a sort of weird complex where we like to pretend that we don’t play it as much as we do. At the end of the day, though, we have to admit our weak spot for the infamous game of blocks, and Mister Adequate has clocked so much more time into this game than I have that it’s silly. And also not open for debate. Sorry, sweetie! (Yes, I poke fun of him for this.)
So yes. We do, actually, diverge on opinions for a handful of games. Scary, no?
I call Twilight.
I’ve never got the appeal of old school console games. I’ve sometimes tried to play Zelda, Mario and others on emulators, but meh. I grew up as a PC kid, my father bought one of the first PC generations back in the early 80s. Then I got an Atari ST in the late 80s, so I grew up with the likes of Elite, Commander Keen and those early PC style games. That might be an influencing factor.
Zelda games and I don’t get on well. I know they are good games but they just aren’t my thing.
Zelda games are amazing. Puzzle + adventure + enduring themes from game to game = awesome. And, yeah, SNES is better than Sega :P
Not really, equivalent systems at the equivalent time period. Donkey Kong Country’s graphics were about as good as Vectorman’s, for the time period. Although Sonic had that slick “speed of light” deal on the runways, Mario was a more engaging platformer, IMO.
I had an SNES, and remain a loyal fan of Nintendo, but it was still a tragedy with Sega’s untimely demise as a console company. It would have been cool if the Dreamcast had survived. Alas, no.
Also, how come you don’t like Zelda games? We demand an answer lol!
Ok, Twilight Sparkle as Ryu is obvious but I can’t for the life of me figure out who the Great and Powerful Trixie is supposed to be.
That’s the great thing about taste. It’s subjective. Different strokes for different folks and all that. A Sega vs. Nintendo debate from the 16 bit era? Interesting, to say the least.
Kyo Kusanagi. Major character in a couple of different SNK games (Neo Geo)