This weekend, I’m playing some of the following games!
1) Streets of Rage Remake!
3) Mirror’s Edge!
4) Darkest Hour!
What are you guys playing this weekend?
This weekend, I’m playing some of the following games!
1) Streets of Rage Remake!
3) Mirror’s Edge!
4) Darkest Hour!
What are you guys playing this weekend?
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Dragon Age 2. Not for the faint of heart or those who like happiness.
FF13, maybe some WoW, Fallout 3, might get a little Saint’s Row or 2 in….
I’d be playing WoW, but my computer is getting a much needed upgrade. Just finished Doodle God, so I’m writing instead. :)
I’ve jumped on the Rift wagon.
Some Team Fortress 2 followed by some tf2 with a side of tf2.
“You can practically smell the futile death of millions”
Taking a quick break from WoW…so many undergeared DK tanks in LFD…it’s like Hellfire Ramparts all over again…every time…Grim Batol normal is always a wipe-fest…
I’m gearing up for Mass Effect 3 by going through Mass Effect 2 again with a new class: The Sentinel. Holy crap, what was I thinking by playing anything else!?! This class handles anything and everything. I thought I would miss having access to an Assault Rifle, but, nope. Who needs that when I’ve got a tech shield and biotic Push that I can arc around corners. Psshhh, Krogan please.
Also going through Dragon Age 2 for the second time. First time was as an indifferent Warrior who ended up loosing everyone but his main love interest. That was fun and all, and a good way to just make it through the game for the first time. Now I’m going in as a sarcastic Mage who, obviously, favors the Pro-Mage side of the issues. Thankfully it’s been a fairly different game thus far; and it’s been different enough than I’m finding myself wanting to play through for a 3rd and 4th time as a Rogue and later as a Pro-Templar Warrior Tank.
I’m playing Civ IV with the guy who wrote this post! :3
May also see about getting some Hearts of Iron in. Possibly some Nintendo DS stuff as well. Who knows?
I’ll probably just keep plugging away at Mass Effect. Insanity difficulty is a pain in the butt, but I need to get back on track. After maxing ME1 (so close I can smell the achievements from here) I’ll start on ME2. Oh god so many hours