After having written up a post a few weeks back on how I didn’t “get” Minecraft, I, uh… went back and tried it again.
Now, first thing’s first. I played the free, in-browser “Classic” edition, because as it turns out, I can’t afford the actual game at this point. (When I first tried the downloadable game, waaaay back in the day, it was free and in Beta.) This version of the game is different from the real thing. There’s no creepers, no night-time, and no crafting. Just you and an unlimited number of different colored blocks.
…oddly enough, that made the game a lot more palatable for me. No longer having to worry about things like “OMG HURRY UP AND FIGURE THINGS OUT AND MAKE A SHELTER BEFORE NIGHT FALLS *panic panic*”, I was free to let my inner obsessive-compulsive demons happily make sure all my blocks were counted and lined up exactly right.

So, there you have it. In what is possibly a textbook case of meeting games halfway, I played Minecraft for about a half hour last night, and I enjoyed it.
[Insert some sort of witticism here about purging my system with X-Com and/or the fact that my dear partner-in-crime Mister Adequate has also recently fallen to lure of crafting blocks. Seriously though, I got no sleep last night for the second time in a row and cannot currently brain good, so you’ll just have to pretend I wrote up a hilarious ending line here. Okay?]
If you ever actually want to play on a server, you are more than welcome on my server with some of my friends. I give anyone I let on the server admin rights so you can just give yourself whatever you want. We got tired of mining too. :)
Likewise, you’re welcome on my server whenever. We still have night and mining, but I turned the monsters off – I like my buildings /not/ blown up, thank you.
That’s actually exactly how I play Minecraft, Pike. Liberal use of the admin ability to /give blocks, and /day the mobs away.
I play offline which is free, has no monsters, and it saves too! :D Just load up Minecraft but, instead of logging in, hit the login button without typing in your username or password and it will ask you if you want to play offline! You don’t need an active account to do so, so long as you have logged in with one on that computer before or installed while it was free ;)
So hey. I found two things and they VERY MUCH remind me of you.
The first one is simpler, but the second one is way more awesome once you get to the end.